True, what's happening everybody? This is Hayden Adams with a Designer Who Codes. I've got a form right here and if I fill it out, I'll just go Hayden Adams - that's me. And we'll say I simply fill this form out, and when I send it, I get it. Cool! Hey, it works! Thanks! And I'm using Netlify Forms. So, what does Netlify Forms do? If I pull open my forms plan, if I just refresh the page, it's going "Hey, last contact received at 9:52 a.m." which is just a few seconds ago. If I click on this, I've got one right here, Hayden Adams and I'm going to connect my basic website - Hello World - using a little Bootstrap form to Netlify Forms, one of the best tools to use if you're using Netlify. Now I was gonna say Netflix if using Netlify already, and we're starting right now. Alright, so I've got a basic Bootstrap contact form right here with your name and email. If you want to know how to set up a contact form using Bootstrap, I'll put the link in the description below of how I built a basic contact form. For this one, I just stripped it down to just my name or your name and email. If we come down the HTML, we've got a basic form in place. So, I've got a form tag to open and close the form. And using Bootstrap, I've got a row. So, I've got basic the form group where eventually it's going to go to different columns as it gets bigger or smaller. But for right now, we're just keeping it where it is. And in here, I have your name and email address. So basically, I'm just collecting two things:...