This video is for my mac users so this would go along with our sam project for module number one using the mac for the flash fill now excel hasn't really kept up things very nicely for the mac version mac version is always behind but they've really made wonderful progress and i want to show you on this screen here it is available in mac and notice that you have to be in a higher version so you really needed to at the beginning this semester update your mac to be the latest and greatest version of excel now in excel for windows like my other videos the flash fill as i call excel bob bob will notice what's going on with the pattern and i'll start suggesting things but the mac version isn't there yet you have to type the pattern in and then you have to go into the ribbon and use the flash fill button or now control e is for windows you would be command e so let's give this a try so i have a crazy little worksheet back here nothing too exciting so i would like a pattern for store id and the pattern should be the stock id and let's say the first three letters of the category so now i have to start typing in the pattern so sg71 let's say we want a dash in between and then str okay now in the windows version as i start keep typing the pattern excel bob understands it but the mac version either i have to and notice you have to highlight click hold on and drag highlight the area you want it to find the pattern and then i can go up to my my home ribbon over to the side...
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