How can we check an active duty US Army service member’s status? There’s possible scammer posing as US Army.
UPDATED - Correct Answer.Have already written an answer to a similar question, and you may access it here: David StMichael's answer to How can you tell if a soldier is fake?Is this person wearing a military Uniform, out in Public or at a social event???? That’s one scenario ‥ where a JackAss is most likely to get caught, because they are easy to report.Or, is this “Dude” (it’s always a dudester) ON-LINE? That’s a different scenario, and if this is a dude that you met on a dating site, well it’s one where you will just have to investigate to determine if this is a Nigerian Hoax, or an American JackAss, assuming someone else’s Military ID.US Military Factoid - In 2025. there was a total number of 1.3 Million, Active-duty military, with 193,442 personnel deployed overseas.About 21 Million Military Veterans in the US. 21 + 1.3 = 22.3 Million.Compared to : 356 Million Americans (adjusted) ‥ VERSUS ‥ 22.3 Million is not a large club membership.For #2 above - here are some things to ask for ANYONE ONLINE:Full Name + RankBranch of service (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force) + Name of UnitNAME & NUMBER of their Commanding officer, or 1st SargentEASY Car or Truck Tell-tale - Take a Long, Good LOOK at their vehicle. ASK him or her, who their Insurance company is? USAA is one of the main ones for the military & Veterans. Does he or she have a STATE Veteran’s car tag?Keep in mind - that many Units may or will have THEIR OWN FB page or dedicated Unit Website.PARENTS on FB - can be a wealth of info, if you can obtain their CONTACT details and/or, follow them on FB, and then call them to VERIFY that their “son or daughter” is in the military.IF they FAIL to prthe specific details Above ‥ Move On ‥ It’s a Troll or SCAMMER, or a WANNABE ‥ and they are on many Dating & Social Media site’s …For F2F situations - simply ask them for their Full Name, AND ask to see their Military ID card. Take a PHOTO or video.If they are a Fake, either they will make excuses that they forget it, or may produce a Fake ID, which is a Federal crime.One local Contact Resource - ANY US Army or Navy or Marine or Air Force Recruitment Offices. Simply follow up with their advice, or if they make an appointment with you. Bring Evidence.But, they will ask you for DETAILS, so I would NOT waste their time with lame answers like: “No, I didn’t get any details or information”, or “I Don’t Know”, or “I didn’t take a picture or take a video”.My Q2A link contains some very DETAILED INFO, so read that first.TBC …